Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not just thankful...

Every year, toward the end of the year, I reflect on the lessons I have learned. 2009 has been a very tough year for me. I have gone a solid year with no full time job, have moved from a comfortable life and my first home to our apartment in Jersey City, and have learned some hard lessons about friendships as well.

However, I think in line with keeping positive, which is something I have always tried to do along the way, it's important to reflect on what I DO have.
I have my health
I have a loving husband, a great immediate and extended family, and good friends.
I have a roof over my head
I am able to survive on much less than I thought possible.***

***In my opinion, needs vs. wants are often confused by many of us. I am just as guilty as anyone for wanting things that I don't need. I have learned that NOT having some of these things makes life easier. For me, wanting something snowballs into an obsession for more.

So as we all prepare to enter the holiday season, I am going to enjoy spending time with people I care about and not worry so much about the materialism of the season.

I will, however manage to buy myself a beauty product or two, I'm sure :)