Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Note to Self...

Let me start by saying: I am not a fan of people who play The Victim role. I also see no value in beating myself up over my decisions, long term or daily.

So as I sit here, thinking of what to do today (I have free time, lots of it), I realize how lazy I have become. That's the problem with not working. You have SO much time, that you squander it away on doing lots of nothing.

I should go to the gym. I know that.

I should take advantage of my location, and go into the city each day. I know that too. Yet somehow, I constrain myself to staying home. Blame it on the heat, being lazy, or desire to save money for the weekends, but I actually enjoy staying home.

I do know, however, that I must get my ass in gear.

As soon as the summer ends, life will resume some sense of normalcy. I'm going to give myself the next two weeks to "live it up", and then will, with the start of the fall, create a new start for myself.

While a job would help this current situation, I have to make it happen on my own, which is probably the hardest thing to do.

I will look into volunteering, and will create a schedule for myself, which will involve less happy hours, and more of something productive.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Are we really communicating?

I have decided to not use Instant Messenger for the next week. Why? Because I feel that it makes me more lazy than necessary, and I often have the feeling that if people want to talk to me, they can call me and vice versa. I think technology is REALLY affecting our social skills. Just yesterday, I TEXTED someone a Happy Birthday! It was then I realized that I am falling prey to that which I said I never would. The laziness of technology has finally hit. I am no better than anyone else who spend their days on Facebook and IM, accepting that as a form of communication; a way of "catching up with friends", if you will.

I remember the good ol' days, when if you wanted to talk to someone you had to go and actually TALK to them. There were no cell phones or computers, no internet or wi-fi. It was a much simpler life. I know people who use wikipedia to help them write term papers. Am I the only one who sees the irony in this?

Anyway, I digress. I have decided to see if I can bring some richness back to my life by cutting of some of my connectivity. Perhaps I will talk to people I haven't spoken with in a while, perhaps not.

The next week will be interesting.