Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Decisively Indecisive

So, I constantly change my mind.  About everything, all the time.  From what I want to wear, to "what I want to be when I grow up", the possibilities are endless.  However, I don't look at this as a bad thing, I look at this as my way of exploring my options.  Sometimes, I bounce my ideas around with my friends, and those who know me well, just go along for the ride when I decide it's time to rethink things and move on to a new, better, improved plan.  I consider myself "decisively indecisive".

Now, why does this warrant a blog?  Mainly because of the annoying comments I get about being "flighty", "all over the place" or any other criticism.  To this, I say...who cares??  Stop trying to figure me out, since I am a constant work in progress.  At the heart of hearts, I am well grounded about what's important.  To me, that is all that matters.

My decisions affect no one but myself.  I enjoy challenging my own ideas, questioning what is best for me, and doing what I think is best, even if I change my mind about what that is.

Gotta run, it's time for me to change my mind about something.